Wednesday, January 10, 2007

4 months left

It's the third day of school of my final semester at BYU. It's hard to accept that this really is my last semester because I've been attending school since, .... well, for a long time. I'll have 234.5 credits when I graduate, a Masters degree in Accountancy, undergrad in Accountancy, and two minors: Horticulture and Information Systems.

I've spent a lot of time in Provo at BYU, and I can't say that I wish I could stick around. Provo has the feeling of school attached to it, and I'm ready to be out of school. At the same time, I can tell I'm going to miss campus and the people I've worked with and gone to class with.

This summer we'll be moving to Washington, DC to start full time with KPMG. We'll probably end up living somewhere in Fairfax county, Virginia if we can find a place we like.

My wife and I are both excited about new places and new activities. Maybe we're both a little ADD? We haven't stayed in any one apartment more than a couple of years, and it hasn't bothered us to move. DC seems like the next big adventure!

This final semester of school seems more like a transition into my full-time job. I'm working more hours, taking less credits, and my mind is mostly in DC. I'm more concerned about finding an apartment and setting up utilities there than worrying about when my first big papers are due or when I need to start studying for midterms. I guess the good news is that I would have to try to not pass my classes in order to not graduate. Still, I'm looking forward to the time when I get paid to go to work and don't have to take work home with me.