Saturday, January 24, 2009

Better Late than Never

So, this post is meant to give you a fly by tour of the last few months of our lives. However, I am not skilled in the arts of blogging and I couldn't quite remember to post pictures in reverse order so that the time frame lines up or makes we're going backwards from December to October and then within each event the pictures are going from finish to start...take an advil before you continue.

Our family spent Christmas in Texas with both the Anderson's and the Taylors. A bit crazy at times to juggle, but definitely fun and made some great memories. We don't have Taylor Christmas photos yet, but once we do we'll represent! So here are some highlights from the Anderson's Christmas:

The Whole Gang!!! Two parents, seven kids, three spouses, nine grandkids, a dog, and... did I forget anyone?

My Gang!

Will, Jamie, and my favorite red headed niece!

Mel and her crew! I love Drew in this picture :)

My favorite picture of the siblings. While this is pretty true to life...

This is a bit more accurate!

Random pic from the Zoo

My sweet Britta B just lookin' happy to be in Texas

Mel, Caroline, Jamie, and I went to...ah, Mel and Caro don't hate me, but I can't remember the name of your favorite restraunt!!! It'll come to me I'm sure as soon as I post this...

Still at "the restraunt"


Aw, Moose, words fail me...

Mel enjoying time with nieces and her kids

Avery decorating "her" branch on my parents' tree. It was loaded down with her contraband. Everytime I came into the living room Avery had a candy cane in her mouth that she had taken from her branch.

Not sure exactly what Melanie and Eric are doing, but fishing comes to mind...My question is what she did she use for bait?

Random pic from the park


Ah, and here we begin a saga in reverse order. Bear with me:
VICTORY!!!! THE JAR IS OPENED thanks to...

The masters of Willakonda :) Until William combined his force

Eric was no match for...

THE JAR OF ARTICHOKE HEARTS!!!! It foiled us all with its ultra tight seal and unsurmountable slippy lid!

Pics Ben and I took of kids right before we left for Texas

Girls decorating their tree. Since we were going to be gone we didn't bother with a real one this year. The girls tree is about three feet tall, but I could not believe how many ornaments they were able to fit on each branch. Within the first week the tree was up it was knocked over at a least a jillion times, ornaments (plastic thank goodness) spilling everywhere. Before the girls decorate their tree next year I'm going to first coat the branches in glue...


I've told the girls about our "fun" raking, jumping in and bagging leaves when I was little. Eden decided she wanted to have this experience too. However, we don't have a many trees, or a lawn except for a grassy strip behind our apartment, or a rake. So, one day I was out with the girls and Eden found a branch from small tree that looked like a rudimentary rake.

The girls and I spent 45 min. raking a pile from a meager spattering of leaves on the ground into a pile this big:

But we had a BLAST!!!!

And just for good measure

Avery clinging to Halloween and the concept of dressing up to get copious amounts of candy

So here is another example of reverse order in the time line. Let me sum up. My wonderful, wonderful mother came out to help me after Weston was born. My dad flew out a few days later for Halloween and Weston's Baby Blessing.

My parents took the girls to the zoo

My dad came with Trick or Treating with us. I think he had the most fun! My mom stayed home with Weston. Eden was a witch (but she assured us she was a good witch), Britta was a black cat, and Avery, well, Avery said she wanted to be a fairy, but she refused to wear wings, a wand, or a crown.


Jamie Anderson said...

Yeah! I was dying for an update! We miss you guys give the girls a big hug for me and Weston a kiss on his cute little chubby cheek!

Melanie said...

Hey! I love the post! Where did you get your hands on the pics of us on the ground talking?? hadn't seen those yet. or the one of our family with drew being a monster! love all the pics of your girls and the leaves is hilarious. if only they knew the Ohio backyard with our 8 kazillion trees.

The {Prince} Family said...

yay! You guys are back.... kids look great! so glad you got to spend Christmas in Texas. I know Ben's mom LOVED it!

Cute post... thanks for catching me up :)