Wednesday, November 03, 2010

The Weston Lexicon

With Weston having celebrated his 2nd birthday a month ago, he is well on his way to talking. But, like any two year old, what he hears and what we hear when he speaks are two very different things. To aid those of you who may have the opportunity to converse with Weston during this phase, I have prepared a lexicon of his more frequently used words and a translation of what they mean:

"Speed!" = I want to watch Disney's "Cars"
"Nana" = I want a banana
"Bite" = I want a bite of what you're eating
"Mon" = Come on/come here
"Up!" = Hold me/Pick me up
"Wah-ee" = I want a drink (water)
"Milt" = I want some milk
"Soos" = Please put my shoes on so I can go outside
"Side" = Let's go outside
"Off" = Turn something off or on
"Bye" (while waving his hand at you) = Go away so I can get into something I'm not supposed to without you interrupting me.
"Peas" = Please
"boo-t" = Read me a book
"All dun" = Stop tickling me/I'm done eating
"Run!" = Run crazy fast while holding me in your arms
"Daifer" = Somebody please change this wet diaper!
"sil-al" = I want some cereal
"Yeah" = Yes/You finally got what I've been trying to say

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