Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Be Smarter than the Blog!

Okay, I enjoy blogging, well, I enjoy keeping relatives and friends up to date with what our family has been up to, but to be honest, blogging is extremely frustrating for me. Take the posts below for example. I decided to finally post Britta's birthday. I had all sorts of trouble getting pics to post the way I wanted them to. Whenever I tried to enter captions they kept disappearing! I don't know where they went,but let me tell you, they went. So then I got "smart" and decided to post the pics separately, after I explained Britta's B-day. I posted the pics first, so that that entry would be underneath the explanation, but no, for some reason it kept them as the latest blog entry and so now the whole post about Britta's birthday is a little messed up. So, enjoy the pics and then the explanation about Britta's party. It'll make sense eventually.


Momma said...

The Kung Fu Mom? and you agreed?? Must think before agreeing to anything with kids! She is so cute!

The {Prince} Family said...

annoying huh? sometimes when I am blogging, especially a super long post, the more I add words/pics, the more the words go waaaaaay down below. Meaning if you hold down delete they will come back up to the top. Does that make sense?

Try that next time. If THAT doesn't work then I have no clue what is going on. But frustrating to the max I am sure!