Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Avery's Third Birthday!!

Avery started her big day off in true birthday girl fashion. She got dressed in her favorite dress up dress, and upon learning that Ben had already made her cake the night before, asked for cake for breakfast. Who was I to deny the birthday girl?

Avery wanted to go the park for her birthday. I did insist that she change her outfit. She had fun playing on the equipment, but once she saw a field full of dandelions, she was ecstatic. A side note: Picking dandelions is Avery's favorite out door activity. It doesn't matter where we are, where we are trying to get, or how late we are, if she sees a dandelion, she runs for it, picks it, and does a little skip and a dance. So we spent the next half hour picking dandelions.

We had a minor set back in our partying when she fell and scraped her leg, but a special birthday picnic lunch and sucker soon put things to rights.

And of course, the day was rounded off with cake, ice cream and presents. She was a happy birthday girl indeed.


Jamie Anderson said...

Awww! Happy birthday miss Avery! I loved picking dandelions with you during Christmas break and promise we will do it again in July!

The {Prince} Family said...

Oh how cute is she? I love that you let her have a piece of cake for breakfast.

Happy Birthday Avery!

Ben and Stephanie Taylor said...

when is sierra's (I mean Avery's twin) birthday?