Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Yeti Garden Art - A Treatise

[Submitted by Ben]

Today I received an email from my sister suggesting an accessory for our co-op garden.

(A little background first. Stephanie and I found another family in our ward with a yard and a desire to garden. We struck a co-op with them: we contribute labor and supplies and we split the harvest.)

This is the email I received with the subject line "Ben needs this for the new community garden" and included a link to this item:

My younger brother Alan shared his thoughts on the matter:
Haha! "If you can't afford 'class' - you can still afford to CLASH!"

I decided to comment on her suggestion as well: First impression is that it would make a pretty useful scarecrow. Second impression, does Sasquatch work out?!?! Take a look at the guy - he's seriously buff! He obviously does a lot of bench pressing, arm curls, squats, and abdominal exercises. Does he use creatine powder? Where does he get his proteins? Does he ever carb-load before lifting?

Even with as buff as sasquatch is, I sympathize with the hair loss. Maybe he should follow suit with other body builders who have hair loss and just shave his head completely. That seems to keep with the image of masculinity and current trends. But how would that look with all the long body hair? I suppose it would diminish the mystery and fascination of sasquatch to look like you are wearing a gorilla suit without the mask.

And why is he looking to the side. With feet as big as his, he should be looking in the direction he is heading if he wants to avoid an embarrassing tumble. (Believe me, walking one way and looking another is dangerous; I know from experience).

This must be an example of true art because it really has me thinking about it. So many unanswered questions! Still, I don't think art belongs in the garden. It dramatically increases the risk of tripping while walking and looking sideways.

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