Tuesday, September 23, 2008

4 Days to Go - No Baby

Steph said as of yesterday the baby is pushing constantly on specific spot high in her abdomen.  She says it feels bruised from the inside.  We would love it if the baby wanted to come out soon.

The current plan is that if he's not out on his own by Saturday, October 4th then we are going to induce.  Steph isn't expecting any action until then.  Still, you never know.  So, we are looking on the bright side:

+ I now know where the hospital is (looked that up two weeks ago online)
+ Steph had time to get all the baby clothes organized and put away
+ I am working close to home this week and part of next week; each day the baby waits to come gives me more time to finish my current engagement
+ Steph can teach her third week of preschool this week, so she won't have to take a turn again until after the new year
+ We have had lots of offers to help with the girls when the baby is born including overnight shifts
+ We were invited to a very delicious and authentic Argentinan meal with friends last night
+ If baby comes after the end of September, I won't have to go through the hassle of explaining why I didn't meet year-end utilization goals.  (I know.  This is completely selfish on my part).
+ Every extra day in the "oven" means our baby is getting bigger and healthier
+ Every extra day gives me more time to try and come up with a name Steph likes as much as "Afton" and "Wesley"


Jamie Anderson said...

I can't wait I think about you guys everyday! Tell Steph we are thinking of her, and I hope she isn't too uncomfortable. Can't wait to see you guys!

Melanie said...

gallant and heroic effort with the silver linings! bottom line? when i'm 9months pregnant and no clear end in sight? i eat silver linings for breakfast!! hang in there kiddo.

The {Prince} Family said...

ALMOST there! I bet your girls are SUPER excited! Trey is just about 2 months now and my girls STILL fight over him. GOOD LUCK!!!