Saturday, August 23, 2008

Haste makes waste

I broke the blog....................................

I am a button pusher and I pushed the button. It was more than that actually. I committed the cardinal sin in programming/development: I tested a new template on a production instance of the blog! Everyone who does any kind of computer development and testing knows you always use a separate enviroment to test changes before you apply them. That way, if it breaks your environment, you don't loose your data.

Heh.... heh.....

The new third party template I tried to upload was seriously incompatible with blogger and destroyed the blog. My side banner items were erased, and now that I've reloaded the previous template, I have broken links all over the place. Ughhh.... The part that kills me was that before I applied the new template I had the thought that I should copy all of the girls quotes into a blog posting rather than leave them in the side column.

Blogger doesn't have a "help desk"; instead they have frequently asked questions and discussion forums. I couldn't find the question "How do you restore a blog that you've obliterated without having to recreate it?" listed anywhere, and I was too chicken to post that in the chat forum. I realize that I can't hide what I did from my readers, but I'm not going to expand the circle of ridicule un-neccessarily.

1 comment:

Camille Powell said...

My condolences on your broken blog, and thank goodness for mommies! I'm so glad you emailed me your link! We miss you!!!! We love you Taylors!