Thursday, August 28, 2008

One Month to Go!!!

that's right, baby! only one month left. my due date is sept. 27, and while i have no delusions of actually going into labor on or before that date, it's nice to have a light at the end of the tunnel. it's been a fairly easy pregnancy, and i don't have too many complaints. however, i will say that i'm looking forward to not being so scatter brained-you know, forgotten loads of laundry half started, putting the cheese away in the spice cupboard, forgetting about appts. and meetings...i'm a little worried about eden starting school next week. i already scheduled one dr. appt. during the time her bus will be dropping her back at home. i think i'll just hang close to home for the next few weeks. that way i won't have too far to run/drive when i realize that eden's bus came 5 min. ago.

anyways, i thought i'd post a belly picture for kicks. still no name. i'm thinking about offering a reward for a name ben and i can both agree on. regardless of what we end up calling the little guy, we are so excited to have him in our family and can't wait 'till he's here!


Jamie Anderson said...

We can't wait either!! So excited to meet him.

Momma said...

You look GREAT!

Ben and Stephanie Taylor said...

it's all about the camara angle!! ben took the picture, and i told him to take it at a "flattering angle". he had his work cut out for him!

The {Prince} Family said...

Forth baby? You look awesome! I looked like a blimp, always do for some reason. :)

As for names, what happened to Brayden Richard? I remember Ben liking that name way back when you were preggo with Eden. Personally, I like Bean. ha ha!!!! ask Ben about that one :)

Camille Powell said...

I think you should name him Daniel. With three older sisters he may as well be entering the Lion(ess)'s den :). Seriously you look great Stephanie! I'm excited for you.

Melanie said...

you look fabulous!! i can't believe you are almost done.the fourth goes by so fast doesn't it? it's one of those tender mercies...